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Happy Hour Toulouse
Happy Hour Toulouse, the best way to find your beer:-) Recently I have started to learn Android development and after a lot of struggling Happy Hour Toulouse came out. This is my first official Android App that you can find on Google Play. Everyone who lives or has visited... Read more
Affordable web hosting solution with IPage
How to choose an affordable web hosting solution for your site is the question that this article will answer. I must admit that I made a thorough analyze of the market when I bought my first hosting plan and at that time, Bluehost was an affordable web hosting solution... Read more
IM Creator, an amazing website builder without any HTML knowledge
  Designing your own website using a website builder without any HTML knowledge seems impossible? Well, it’s not.   If you are the proud owner of a small business, if you want to blog about something, you just want to show the world your photos or you just want to... Read more
How to find and use images free for commercial use
Photo by Filippo Diotalevi How to find and use images free for commercial use has always been a struggle for the average Joe, especially with the introduction of the new laws for copyright. If you have a blog, just like I do, or you are an aspiring designer or freelancer and... Read more