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Affordable web hosting solution with IPage
How to choose an affordable web hosting solution for your site is the question that this article will answer. I must admit that I made a thorough analyze of the market when I bought my first hosting plan and at that time, Bluehost was an affordable web hosting solution... Read more
The new MacBook and the Apple Watch
Image by  Martin Hajek The new MacBook and the Apple Watch are finally here So, tree days ago something magical happened in San Francisco, as the giant Apple launched his new  additions to the Apple family the new MacBook and the Apple Watch. I don’t really give a f… about... Read more
RO-BOW the kinetic sculpture that plays a violin
Future by design is what the 75 year old Seth Goldstein managed to accomplish by creating RO-BOW the kinetic sculpture that plays a violin. Robots are now days involved in every part of our life, even if we realize it or not. Starting with the production lines in our... Read more
Samsung Galaxy S6 – The final countdown
  Samsung Galaxy S6 is by far the most expected gadget to be launched at the beginning of this new year. Our wait is almost over now, as official sources confirmed that the Samsung Galaxy S6 will be launched tomorrow, before the Barcelona Mobile World Congress (MWC). It is expected... Read more