How to answer and pass all job interview questions is not as easy as it seems, but with a little effort and a little planning you can manage to pass any interview that you might have.
Nobody likes the interview process as it requires you to be as perfect as you can be, with the big disadvantage that you only have one chance to prove yourself.
The book “The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers”, that I will recommend here, will guide you , step-by-step, teaching you how to choose the best answers for the questions you receive.
Interviewers mostly use the same or almost the same questions for every interview that they conduct, therefore learning how to answer a couple of questions can make the difference between being hired and going back home with your tail between your legs. The book will teach you how you should answer to these questions giving of course your own personal interpretation. Here are some answers to some of the most used questions, so you can have an idea on how to answer and pass all job interview questions.
1. One of the first things that an interviewer will say, probably in 99% of the cases, is : “Tell me something about yourself”. This is the classical way to start an interview as it allows the interviewer to see how well can you speak, how you can prioritize the important events in your life. You should be as specific as possible not giving a lot of details, as if there is something that they are interested in they will probably interrupt you and ask for more specific details. You should speak first about your education, about your career and lastly about your current life situation. Many people tend to lose a lot of time in explaining their current life situation, the fact that they are happily married or the fact that they have children and how they are planning to have a couple more. That is a mistake. There is a vast majority out there that believes that having a child is his/her biggest accomplishment. Although this can be one of the most rewarding events in a person’s life it is hardly something that can be considered as an accomplishment. Everyone can make a baby, it’s not rocket science. Instead you should concentrate on the biggest accomplishments that you had in your career, if there is nothing worth mentioning related to your career, than you should concentrate on your education, if there is nothing there either then you should concentrate on sports achievements, if you don’t have anything in this field than you can go for family life accomplishments, but don’t expect anyone to be impressed. You have to sell yourself, you have to give specific reasons in order to convince the interviewer that you are better than the previous and the following contestant, so they will remember you, even if they have to interview 500 people.
2. A second question that they will most likely ask is : “Why did you leave your last job?” This question seems an easy one, and it really is, depending on how you answer it. You should avoid at all cost speaking about money at this particular stage of the interview and you should concentrate on saying that you want to advance in your career, that you are trying to get a position that allows you to advance as a person and also as an employee. If by any chance you have been downsized, then you should explain it as best as you can, being brief and positive at all times. A recommendation from your previous manager could be really helpful in this case. If you have been fired from your previous job you should have a good explanation and also you should be able to describe what did you do while you were between jobs, what projects or how did you improved yourself while searching for this new job. Always you should keep a positive attitude no matter what the real situation is.
3. “Tell me what do you know about this company” Is the third and most common question that you will hear in an interview. The interviewer just wants to know if you have came prepared. For every interview that you are selected, no matter the job (janitor or CEO), you should learn everything that you can about the company and the job that you are applying for. Now days it’s really easy as you can find all necessary information on line. See if the name of the company has recently appeared in the newspapers, learn about the important people in the organization and also do not be afraid to ask the interviewer questions about the company if you have any.
These are only 3 of the 80 questions that I have answered here so you can make an idea on what’s “The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers” all about. The book will cover 80 questions and will give 177 example answers that work for any type of job. With the help of this book you will be able to learn how to answer and pass all job interview questions. This is the way to get hired! Buying the book will give you access to a lot of FREE content like:
– How to Tell if Someone is Lying to You,
– Three Free software programs to manage your job search efforts, make money while you look for a job, and cut your interview practice time in half,
– Seven Mental Exercises to Sharpen your Persuasive Mind, Calm your Nerves, and Focus Power,
– Seven Essential Patterns of Behavior for Success.
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